i said i'd go to bed by midnight tonight, but i have too much energy. i don't know why. they say its going to rain tonight, so no new anything. but i think i have a spot, so soon.
ok, so i meant to go out last night, but with all this rain, i chose not to. tonight i pasted one collage up on orchard street, with the new paste mix. maybe a little overkill. super sticky, and i realized i do need some sort of squeegie type thing to smooth out the paper. i used my hand this time, we shall see tomorrow what has happened.
i feel like i'm drinking water as if i haven't seen it for days.
its late, and roaming the streets of the LES on a sunday night is actually rather pleasant. a few drunken groups, mostly around ludlow, and a gaggle of girls on orchard below delancey, but otherwise rather peaceful. very unlike a friday or saturday night. Found a few choice plies of boxes to photograph. I was thinking how the "empty" of the streets actually felt safe, whereas i can remember a time when empty would have been super creepy and potentially dangerous. i don't know which is weirder, in terms of the fact that this is new york city. what does it mean that the streets are safe at 2AM?
i was going to paste up two, but decided i'd wait on the second one until i found the right location. i did a little research and will do some more tomorrow. I think placement, in terms of each composition, outweighs the visibility factor. while i want people to see them, i think its more important that they work where they are placed on the whole. this one is 6' tall and 4' wide, so i have to find somewhere big. i'll try again tomorrow....
i have found some wonderful constructed construction baricades, here's a picture of one....and also, here's a picture of last weeks 1st attempt. i haven't gone back to see if its still there all week, perhaps i will go in the morning. oh, and i better go take my film out of the fridge.
"In philosophy, a Dérive is a French concept meaning an aimless walk, probably through city streets, that follows the whim of the moment. It is sometimes translated as a drift,." (wikipedia)
*drift* sounds a lot harsher than *aimless walk*, but i aspire to the concept.
for 3 months in the summer, i have 3 days off a week. during the 9 months of the academic year, i have, at best, 1 day off a week. often none. therefore, this summer i am using those 3 days like never before. multitasking the hell out of space and time. forcing my brain to organize things in a logical way (for me). leaving myself enough time to walk to brunch in greenpoint and back, to discover things like the skyscraper museum, to go back and photograph things i've seen alongthe way when the light is better. to list things on ebay until 3am while watching DVD's of "heroes" that my roommate left out for me to watch. those japanese guys crack me up! making it all ok for everything to be ok. making art. noticing things.
actually liking new york, instead of just living here.
i've just begun to interact with my neighborhood directly. not just drinking in bars, buying groceries, going to a show, but using its spaces as vessels for images that i have been making. their contents come directly from the streets in the first place, therefore it only seems right that they make it back out there somehow, in a just as ephemeral form. pictures forthcoming from tonights adventure, check back tomorrow.
another reason to start this blog now, i'm making a month long trip across the US of A, with a little Canada thrown in for good measure. someplaces i've been, most i haven't. lets see what happens.